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Facts on Religion

Learn the facts about religions around the world.


  • 33% of the people in the world are Christians.


  • 21% of the people in the world are Muslims.


  • 13% of the people in the world are Hindus.


  • 6% of the people in the world are Buddhists.


  • 2.3% of the people in the world are Atheists.


  • 0.4% of the people in the world are Sikhs.


  • 0.2% of the people in the world are Jewish.


  • 0.1% of the people in the world are Baha’is.


  • 12% of the people of the world are of other religions.


  • 12% of the people of the world are nonreligious.



Other Facts:


  • •Brazil is the largest Catholic country in the world.


  • •Women make us 56% of the adult born-again population.


  • •Born-again Christians are more likely that the average adult to have volunteered their time to help their church in the past week (32% to 22%, respectively).


  • •Nearly half of all Americans who received Jesus Christ as their Savior do so before reaching the age of 13 (43%), and two out of three born-again Christians (64%) made that commitment to Christ before their 18th birthday.


  • •Approximately 69% of Americans believe that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect Creator who rules the world today.



The World Factbook,

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